- calculateEncodedLength(BigInteger) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.DataEncoder
Returns the amount of bytes required to encode the given BigInteger.
- calculateEncodedLength(BigDecimal) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.DataEncoder
Returns the amount of bytes required to encode the given BigDecimal.
- calculateEncodedLength(byte[]) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.DataEncoder
Returns the amount of bytes required to encode the given byte array.
- calculateEncodedLength(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.DataEncoder
Returns the amount of bytes required to encode the given byte array.
- calculateEncodedLength(BigInteger) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.KeyEncoder
Returns the amount of bytes required to encode a BigInteger.
- calculateEncodedLength(BigDecimal) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.KeyEncoder
Returns the amount of bytes required to encode a BigDecimal.
- calculateEncodedLength(byte[]) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.KeyEncoder
Returns the amount of bytes required to encode a byte array of the given
- calculateEncodedLength(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.KeyEncoder
Returns the amount of bytes required to encode the given byte array.
- calculateEncodedStringLength(String) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.DataEncoder
Returns the amount of bytes required to encode the given String.
- calculateEncodedStringLength(String) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.KeyEncoder
Returns the amount of bytes required to encode the given String.
- callStringBuilderAppendChar(CodeBuilder) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CodeBuilderUtil
Appends a char to a StringBuilder.
- callStringBuilderAppendString(CodeBuilder) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CodeBuilderUtil
Appends a String to a StringBuilder.
- callStringBuilderLength(CodeBuilder) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CodeBuilderUtil
Calls length on a StringBuilder on the stack, leaving an int on the stack.
- callStringBuilderSetLength(CodeBuilder) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CodeBuilderUtil
Calls setLength on a StringBuilder.
- callStringBuilderToString(CodeBuilder) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CodeBuilderUtil
Calls toString on a StringBuilder.
- canMergeRemainder(CompositeScore<S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.CompositeScore
Returns true if the filtering score can merge its remainder filter and
the ordering score can merge its remainder orderings.
- canMergeRemainder(IndexedQueryAnalyzer<S>.Result) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.IndexedQueryAnalyzer.Result
Returns true if the given result uses the same index as this, and in
the same way.
- canMergeRemainderFilter(FilteringScore<S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.FilteringScore
Returns true if the given score uses an index exactly the same as this
- canMergeRemainderOrdering(OrderingScore<S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.OrderingScore
Returns true if the given score uses an index exactly the same as this
- Capability - Interface in com.amazon.carbonado.capability
Marker interface for identifying extra repository capabilities.
- ChainedProperty<S extends Storable> - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.info
Represents a property to filter on or to order by.
- CharArrayClob - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.lob
Implementation of a Clob which is backed by a growable in-memory character
- CharArrayClob(int) - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.lob.CharArrayClob
Construct a CharArrayClob with the given initial capacity.
- CharArrayClob(char[]) - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.lob.CharArrayClob
Construct a CharArrayClob initially backed by the given character array.
- CharArrayClob(char[], int) - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.lob.CharArrayClob
Construct a CharArrayClob initially backed by the given character array.
- CHECK_PK_FOR_DELETE_METHOD_NAME - Static variable in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.StorableGenerator
Name of protected method in generated storable which checks that
primary keys are initialized, throwing an exception otherwise.
- CHECK_PK_FOR_INSERT_METHOD_NAME - Static variable in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.StorableGenerator
Name of protected method in generated storable which checks that
primary keys are initialized, throwing an exception otherwise.
- CHECK_PK_FOR_LOAD_METHOD_NAME - Static variable in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.StorableGenerator
Name of protected method in generated storable which checks that
primary keys are initialized, throwing an exception otherwise.
- CHECK_PK_FOR_UPDATE_METHOD_NAME - Static variable in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.StorableGenerator
Name of protected method in generated storable which checks that
primary keys are initialized, throwing an exception otherwise.
- CheckpointCapability - Interface in com.amazon.carbonado.repo.sleepycat
Capability to control BDB checkpointing.
- checkSliceArguments(long, Long) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.AbstractQuery
Called by sliced fetch to ensure that arguments are valid.
- checkSupport(StorableProperty<S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.GenericEncodingStrategy
- checkSupport(StorableProperty<S>[]) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.GenericEncodingStrategy
- ClassFileBuilder - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.synthetic
Simple interface representing a partially filled class and injector pair.
- ClassFileBuilder() - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.synthetic.ClassFileBuilder
- clear() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.MergeSortBuffer
- clear() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.StorablePropertyMap
- clear() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.AbstractPool
- clear() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.SoftValuedCache
- clearExecutor() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.StandardQuery
Clears any cached reference to a query executor.
- clearExecutors() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.StandardQueryFactory
- Clob - Interface in com.amazon.carbonado.lob
Provides access to CLOBs, which are Character Large OBjects.
- CLONE_METHOD_NAME - Static variable in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CommonMethodNames
Storable API method name
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.ArraySortBuffer
- close() - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.Cursor
Call close to release any resources being held by this cursor.
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.ControllerCursor
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.DifferenceCursor
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.EmptyCursor
Does nothing.
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.FetchAheadCursor
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.FilteredCursor
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.GroupedCursor
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.IntersectionCursor
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.IteratorCursor
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.LimitCursor
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.MergeSortBuffer
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.MultiTransformedCursor
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.SingletonCursor
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.SkipCursor
- close() - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.SortBuffer
Clear and close buffer.
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.SortedCursor
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.SymmetricDifferenceCursor
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.ThrottledCursor
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.TransformedCursor
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.UnionCursor
- close() - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.Query.Controller
Always called by query when finished, even when it fails.
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.Query.Timeout
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.RawCursor
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.repo.jdbc.LoggingDataSource
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.repo.jdbc.SimpleDataSource
- close() - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.Repository
Closes this repository reference, aborting any current
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.spi.AbstractRepository
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.spi.RAFInputStream
- close() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.spi.RAFOutputStream
- close(boolean) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.txn.TransactionManager
Closes all transaction scopes.
- ClosedFilter<S extends Storable> - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.filter
Filter which blocks any results from passing through.
- clustered(boolean) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.info.StorableIndex
Returns a StorableIndex instance which is clustered or not.
- CodeBuilderUtil - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.gen
Collection of useful utilities for generating Carbonado code.
- CodeBuilderUtil() - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CodeBuilderUtil
- com.amazon.carbonado - package com.amazon.carbonado
Main user-level interfaces, classes, and annotations for Carbonado.
- com.amazon.carbonado.adapter - package com.amazon.carbonado.adapter
Contains annotations and implementations for supporting property adapters.
- com.amazon.carbonado.capability - package com.amazon.carbonado.capability
Common capabilities for repositories.
- com.amazon.carbonado.constraint - package com.amazon.carbonado.constraint
Contains annotations and implementations for supporting property constraints.
- com.amazon.carbonado.cursor - package com.amazon.carbonado.cursor
Support for advanced processing of cursor results, including basic set
theory operations.
- com.amazon.carbonado.filter - package com.amazon.carbonado.filter
Contains classes for representing query filters.
- com.amazon.carbonado.gen - package com.amazon.carbonado.gen
Storable code generation support intended for use by repository implementations.
- com.amazon.carbonado.info - package com.amazon.carbonado.info
Introspection support for Storables.
- com.amazon.carbonado.layout - package com.amazon.carbonado.layout
Support for recording the evolution of a storable's layout, used internally
by some repositories.
- com.amazon.carbonado.lob - package com.amazon.carbonado.lob
Support for LOB property types, which are Large OBjects.
- com.amazon.carbonado.qe - package com.amazon.carbonado.qe
Support for implementing a Query Engine.
- com.amazon.carbonado.raw - package com.amazon.carbonado.raw
Provides support for repositories that encode/decode storables in a raw
binary format.
- com.amazon.carbonado.repo.indexed - package com.amazon.carbonado.repo.indexed
Repository implementation that adds index support for repositories that have
little or no index support.
- com.amazon.carbonado.repo.jdbc - package com.amazon.carbonado.repo.jdbc
Repository implementation that connects to an external SQL database via
- com.amazon.carbonado.repo.logging - package com.amazon.carbonado.repo.logging
Repository implementation which logs activity against it.
- com.amazon.carbonado.repo.map - package com.amazon.carbonado.repo.map
Volatile repository implementation backed by a concurrent map.
- com.amazon.carbonado.repo.replicated - package com.amazon.carbonado.repo.replicated
Repository implementation that supports replication between two
- com.amazon.carbonado.repo.sleepycat - package com.amazon.carbonado.repo.sleepycat
Repository implementation backed by a Sleepycat (BDB, Berkeley)
- com.amazon.carbonado.sequence - package com.amazon.carbonado.sequence
Support for generating sequences of values, intended for creating surrogate
- com.amazon.carbonado.spi - package com.amazon.carbonado.spi
Service Provider Interface for Carbonado.
- com.amazon.carbonado.synthetic - package com.amazon.carbonado.synthetic
Support for dynamic creation of storables, intended for internal use by
repository implementations.
- com.amazon.carbonado.txn - package com.amazon.carbonado.txn
Provides support for managing transactions.
- com.amazon.carbonado.util - package com.amazon.carbonado.util
Utilities used by Carbonado but which have no dependencies on
- commit() - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.Transaction
If currently in a transaction, commits all changes to the storage layer
since the last commit within the transaction.
- commit() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.txn.TransactionPair
- COMMIT_METHOD_NAME - Static variable in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CommonMethodNames
Transaction API method name
- commitTxn(Txn) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.txn.TransactionManager
Commits and closes the given internal transaction.
- CommonMethodNames - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.gen
Collection of constant method names for the public API.
- CommonMethodNames() - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CommonMethodNames
- CommonsLog - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.repo.logging
Log implementation that uses Jakarta Commons Logging at debug level.
- CommonsLog(Log) - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.repo.logging.CommonsLog
- CommonsLog(Class) - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.repo.logging.CommonsLog
- compact(Class<S>) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.repo.sleepycat.CompactionCapability
Compact an entire BDB backed storage.
- CompactionCapability - Interface in com.amazon.carbonado.repo.sleepycat
Capability to compact a BDB database.
- CompactionCapability.Result<S extends Storable> - Interface in com.amazon.carbonado.repo.sleepycat
- comparator() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.GroupedCursor
Returns the comparator used to identify group boundaries.
- comparator() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.SortedCursor
Returns a comparator representing the effective sort order of this cursor.
- Comparators - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.util
Collection of utility comparators.
- Comparators() - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.util.Comparators
- compare(Class, Class) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.ConversionComparator
Evaluates two types, to see which one is nearest to the from type.
- compareKeysPartially(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.RawCursor
Returns <0 if key1 is less, 0 if equal (at least partially),
>0 if key1 is greater.
- compareNext() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.SymmetricDifferenceCursor
Returns 0 if no next element available, <0 if next element is
from left source cursor, and >0 if next element is from right
source cursor.
- compareTo(SyntheticProperty) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.synthetic.SyntheticProperty
- CompositeScore<S extends Storable> - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.qe
Evaluates an index for how well it matches a query's desired filtering and
- compress(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.GzipCompressor
Encodes into compressed form.
- CompressedEncodingStrategy<S extends Storable> - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.raw
Extension of GenericEncodingStrategy that allows for compression.
- CompressedEncodingStrategy(Class<S>, StorableIndex<S>, CompressionType) - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.CompressedEncodingStrategy
- CompressedStorableCodecFactory - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.raw
Extension of GenericStorableCodecFactory that allows for compression.
- CompressedStorableCodecFactory(Map<String, CompressionType>) - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.CompressedStorableCodecFactory
- CompressionType - Enum in com.amazon.carbonado.raw
Available compression types for any particular storable.
- concat(Class<S>, String) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.OrderingList
Returns a list which concatenates this one with the given property.
- concat(OrderedProperty<S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.OrderingList
Returns a list which concatenates this one with the given property.
- concat(OrderingList<S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.OrderingList
Returns a list which concatenates this one with the other one.
- ConfigurationException - Exception in com.amazon.carbonado
- ConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception com.amazon.carbonado.ConfigurationException
- ConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.amazon.carbonado.ConfigurationException
- ConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazon.carbonado.ConfigurationException
- ConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.amazon.carbonado.ConfigurationException
- conjunctiveNormalForm() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.filter.Filter
Returns an equivalent filter that is in conjunctive normal form.
- conjunctiveNormalFormSplit() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.filter.ClosedFilter
- conjunctiveNormalFormSplit() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.filter.Filter
Splits the filter from its conjunctive normal form.
- conjunctiveNormalFormSplit() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.filter.OpenFilter
- conjunctiveNormalFormSplit() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.filter.PropertyFilter
- constant(Object) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.filter.PropertyFilter
Returns another PropertyFilter instance which is bound to the given constant value.
- constant() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.filter.PropertyFilter
Returns the constant value of this PropertyFilter, which is valid only
if isConstant returns true.
- constrain(double) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.FloatConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(CharSequence) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.FloatConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(char) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.FloatConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(char[]) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.FloatConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(long) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.IntegerConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(double) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.IntegerConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(CharSequence) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.IntegerConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(char) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.IntegerConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(char[]) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.IntegerConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(CharSequence) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.LengthConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(boolean[]) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.LengthConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(byte[]) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.LengthConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(short[]) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.LengthConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(char[]) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.LengthConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(int[]) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.LengthConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(long[]) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.LengthConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(float[]) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.LengthConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(double[]) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.LengthConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(Object[]) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.LengthConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(CharSequence) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.TextConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(String) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.TextConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(char) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.TextConstraint.Constraint
- constrain(char[]) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.constraint.TextConstraint.Constraint
- CONSTRAINT_FIELD_ELEMENT - Static variable in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.StorableGenerator
Constraint field names are propertyName + "$constraint$" + number
- ConstraintDefinition - Annotation Type in com.amazon.carbonado.constraint
Allows annotations to be defined that restrict property values.
- ConstraintException - Exception in com.amazon.carbonado
A ConstraintException is thrown if the
storage layer
detects any kind of constraint violation.
- ConstraintException() - Constructor for exception com.amazon.carbonado.ConstraintException
- ConstraintException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazon.carbonado.ConstraintException
- ConstraintException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.amazon.carbonado.ConstraintException
- ConstraintException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.amazon.carbonado.ConstraintException
- contains(QueryHint) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.QueryHints
Returns false if hint is not provided.
- containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.StorablePropertyMap
- continueCheck() - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.Query.Controller
Periodically called by query to determine if it should continue.
- continueCheck() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.Query.Timeout
- ControllerCursor<S> - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.cursor
Wraps another cursor and periodically calls a
- ConversionComparator - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.util
Compares type conversions, finding the one that is nearest.
- ConversionComparator(Class) - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.util.ConversionComparator
- conversionNotSupported(Object, Class, Class) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.Converter
- convert(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.Converter
- convert(byte, Class<T>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.Converter
- convert(short, Class<T>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.Converter
- convert(int, Class<T>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.Converter
- convert(long, Class<T>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.Converter
- convert(float, Class<T>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.Converter
- convert(double, Class<T>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.Converter
- convert(boolean, Class<T>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.Converter
- convert(char, Class<T>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.Converter
- convertBlob(Blob, JDBCBlobLoader) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.repo.jdbc.JDBCSupport
- convertClob(Clob, JDBCClobLoader) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.repo.jdbc.JDBCSupport
- Converter - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.util
General purpose type converter.
- Converter() - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.util.Converter
- convertValue(CodeBuilder, Class, Class) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CodeBuilderUtil
Converts a value on the stack.
- copy() - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.Storable
Returns an exact shallow copy of this object, including the state.
- COPY_ALL_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CommonMethodNames
Storable API method name
- COPY_DIRTY_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CommonMethodNames
Storable API method name
- COPY_METHOD_NAME - Static variable in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CommonMethodNames
Storable API method name
- COPY_PRIMARY_KEY_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CommonMethodNames
Storable API method name
- COPY_UNEQUAL_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CommonMethodNames
Storable API method name
- COPY_VERSION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CommonMethodNames
Storable API method name
- copyAllProperties(S, T) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.StorableCopier
- copyAllProperties(S) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.Storable
Copies all supported properties, skipping any that are uninitialized.
- copyDirtyProperties(S, T) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.StorableCopier
- copyDirtyProperties(S) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.Storable
Copies all supported non-primary key properties which are
- copyFromMaster(Storable, S) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.repo.indexed.IndexEntryAccessor
Sets all the properties of the given index entry, using the applicable
properties of the given master.
- copyFromMaster(Storable, S) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.synthetic.SyntheticStorableReferenceAccess
Sets all the properties of the given reference, using the applicable
properties of the given master.
- copyFromMaster(Storable, S) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.synthetic.SyntheticStorableReferenceBuilder
call getReferenceAccess
- copyInto(Collection<? super S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.AbstractCursor
- copyInto(Collection<? super S>, int) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.AbstractCursor
- copyInto(Collection<? super S>) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.Cursor
Copies all remaining next elements into the given collection.
- copyInto(Collection<? super S>, int) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.Cursor
Copies a limited amount of remaining next elements into the given
- copyInto(Collection<? super S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.EmptyCursor
Performs no copy and always returns 0.
- copyInto(Collection<? super S>, int) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.EmptyCursor
Performs no copy and always returns 0.
- copyInto(Collection<? super S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.SingletonCursor
- copyInto(Collection<? super S>, int) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.SingletonCursor
- copyPrimaryKeyProperties(S, T) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.StorableCopier
- copyPrimaryKeyProperties(S) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.Storable
Copies all supported primary key properties, skipping any that are
- copyToMasterPrimaryKey(Storable, S) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.repo.indexed.IndexEntryAccessor
Sets all the primary key properties of the given master, using the
applicable properties of the given index entry.
- copyToMasterPrimaryKey(Storable, S) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.synthetic.SyntheticStorableReferenceAccess
Sets all the primary key properties of the given master, using the
applicable properties of the given reference.
- copyToMasterPrimaryKey(Storable, S) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.synthetic.SyntheticStorableReferenceBuilder
call getReferenceAccess
- copyUnequalProperties(S, T) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.StorableCopier
- copyUnequalProperties(S) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.Storable
Copies all supported non-primary key properties which are unequal,
skipping any that are uninitialized.
- copyVersionProperty(S, T) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.StorableCopier
- copyVersionProperty(S) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.Storable
Copies the optional version property, unless it is uninitialized.
- CorruptEncodingException - Exception in com.amazon.carbonado
A CorruptEncodingException is caused when decoding an encoded record fails.
- CorruptEncodingException() - Constructor for exception com.amazon.carbonado.CorruptEncodingException
- CorruptEncodingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.amazon.carbonado.CorruptEncodingException
- CorruptEncodingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.amazon.carbonado.CorruptEncodingException
- CorruptEncodingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.amazon.carbonado.CorruptEncodingException
- CorruptEncodingException(int, int) - Constructor for exception com.amazon.carbonado.CorruptEncodingException
- count(FilterValues<S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.AbstractQueryExecutor
Counts results by opening a cursor and skipping entries.
- count(FilterValues<S>, Query.Controller) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.AbstractQueryExecutor
Counts results by opening a cursor and skipping entries.
- count(FilterValues<S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.DelegatedQueryExecutor
- count(FilterValues<S>, Query.Controller) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.DelegatedQueryExecutor
- count() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.EmptyQuery
Always returns zero.
- count(Query.Controller) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.EmptyQuery
Always returns zero.
- count(FilterValues<S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.FullScanQueryExecutor
- count(FilterValues<S>, Query.Controller) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.FullScanQueryExecutor
- count(FilterValues<S>) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.qe.QueryExecutor
Counts the query results using the given filter values.
- count(FilterValues<S>, Query.Controller) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.qe.QueryExecutor
Counts the query results using the given filter values.
- count(FilterValues<S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.SortedQueryExecutor
- count(FilterValues<S>, Query.Controller) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.SortedQueryExecutor
- count() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.StandardQuery
- count(Query.Controller) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.StandardQuery
- count() - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.Query
Returns a count of all results matched by this query.
- count(Query.Controller) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.Query
Returns a count of all results matched by this query.
- countAll() - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.qe.FullScanQueryExecutor.Support
Counts all Storables.
- countAll(Query.Controller) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.qe.FullScanQueryExecutor.Support
Counts all Storables.
- create(DataSource) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.repo.jdbc.LoggingDataSource
Wraps the given DataSource which logs to the default log.
- create(DataSource, Log) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.repo.jdbc.LoggingDataSource
Wraps the given DataSource which logs to the given log.
- create(String) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.sequence.SequenceValueProducerPool
- create(Class) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.spi.StoragePool
- create(K) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.AbstractPool
Return a new value instance.
- createBogus() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.spi.BelatedRepositoryCreator
- createBogus() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.spi.BelatedStorageCreator
- createBogus() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.BelatedCreator
Create instance of bogus object.
- createCodec(Class<S>, StorableIndex, boolean, Layout) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.CustomStorableCodecFactory
- createCodec(Class<S>, StorableIndex, boolean, Layout, RawSupport) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.CustomStorableCodecFactory
- createCodec(Class<S>, boolean, Layout) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.CustomStorableCodecFactory
- createCodec(Class<S>, boolean, Layout, RawSupport) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.CustomStorableCodecFactory
- createCodec(Class<S>, StorableIndex, boolean, Layout) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.GenericStorableCodecFactory
- createCodec(Class<S>, StorableIndex, boolean, Layout, RawSupport) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.GenericStorableCodecFactory
- createCodec(Class<S>, StorableIndex, boolean, Layout) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.raw.StorableCodecFactory
- createCodec(Class<S>, StorableIndex, boolean, Layout, RawSupport) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.raw.StorableCodecFactory
- createComparator(Class<S>, String...) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.SortedCursor
Convenience method to create a comparator which orders storables by the
given order-by properties.
- createComparator(OrderedProperty<S>...) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.SortedCursor
Convenience method to create a comparator which orders storables by the
given properties.
- createComparator(List<OrderedProperty<S>>) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.SortedCursor
Convenience method to create a comparator which orders storables by the
given properties.
- createdNotification(T) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.BelatedCreator
Notification that createReal has produced the real object.
- createExecutor() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.IndexedQueryAnalyzer.Result
Creates a QueryExecutor based on this result.
- createExecutor() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.UnionQueryAnalyzer.Result
Creates a QueryExecutor based on this result.
- createMap(Class<S>, S) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.StorablePropertyMap
- createNewBlob(int) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.spi.LobEngine
Returns a new Blob whose length is zero.
- createNewClob(int) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.spi.LobEngine
Returns a new Clob whose length is zero.
- createQuery(Filter<S>, FilterValues<S>, OrderingList<S>, QueryHints) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.QueryEngine
- createQuery(Filter<S>, FilterValues<S>, OrderingList<S>, QueryHints) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.StandardQueryFactory
Implement this method to return query implementations.
- createReal() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.spi.BelatedRepositoryCreator
- createReal() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.spi.BelatedStorageCreator
- createReal() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.util.BelatedCreator
Create instance of real object.
- createSequenceValueProducer(String) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.sequence.SequenceValueProducerPool
- createSequenceValueProducer(String) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.spi.AbstractRepository
Called upon to create a new SequenceValueProducer instance.
- createSortBuffer() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.SortedQueryExecutor.ArraySortSupport
Returns a new ArraySortBuffer.
- createSortBuffer(Query.Controller) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.SortedQueryExecutor.ArraySortSupport
Returns a new ArraySortBuffer.
- createSortBuffer() - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.SortedQueryExecutor.MergeSortSupport
Returns a new MergeSortBuffer.
- createSortBuffer(Query.Controller) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.qe.SortedQueryExecutor.MergeSortSupport
Returns a new MergeSortBuffer.
- createSortBuffer() - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.qe.SortedQueryExecutor.Support
Implementation must return an empty buffer for sorting.
- createSortBuffer(Query.Controller) - Method in interface com.amazon.carbonado.qe.SortedQueryExecutor.Support
Implementation must return an empty buffer for sorting.
- createStorableClassFile(ClassInjector, Class<S>, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.amazon.carbonado.gen.CodeBuilderUtil
Define a classfile appropriate for most Storables.
- createStorage(Class<S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.spi.AbstractRepository
Called upon to create a new Storage instance.
- createStorage(Class<S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.spi.StoragePool
- createStrategy(Class<S>, StorableIndex<S>, LayoutOptions) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.CompressedStorableCodecFactory
- createStrategy(Class<S>, StorableIndex<S>) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.GenericStorableCodecFactory
Override to return a different EncodingStrategy.
- createStrategy(Class<S>, StorableIndex<S>, LayoutOptions) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.GenericStorableCodecFactory
Override to return a different EncodingStrategy.
- createTxn(Txn, IsolationLevel) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.txn.TransactionManager
Creates an internal transaction representation, with the optional parent
- createTxn(Txn, IsolationLevel, int, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.amazon.carbonado.txn.TransactionManager
Creates an internal transaction representation, with the optional parent
- Cursor<S> - Interface in com.amazon.carbonado
Represents the results of a
's fetch
- CustomStorableCodec<S extends Storable> - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.raw
Allows codecs to be defined for storables that have a custom encoding.
- CustomStorableCodec(Class<S>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.CustomStorableCodec
- CustomStorableCodec(Class<S>, boolean, RawSupport<S>) - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.CustomStorableCodec
- CustomStorableCodec.InstanceFactory - Interface in com.amazon.carbonado.raw
- CustomStorableCodecFactory - Class in com.amazon.carbonado.raw
Factory for custom storable codecs.
- CustomStorableCodecFactory() - Constructor for class com.amazon.carbonado.raw.CustomStorableCodecFactory